Edges and joints - Delivery options

Only for separate tongue:
- min. panel thickness: 16mm
- max. panel thickness: 37mm ((sanded))
- Groove height at 16mm: 3,5mm; 6,5mm
- starting at 18mm: 6,5mm; 8,5mm

Tongue and groove - Standard:
- min. panel thickness: 16mm bei B1
- max. panel thickness: 37mm (sanded)

Tongue and groove - half-round (only on the long edges):
- min. panel thickness: 22mm
- max. panel thickness: 37mm (sanded)

Step joints:
- min. panel thickness: 12mm
- max. panel thickness: 37mm

- min. panel thickness: 22mm
- max. panel thickness: 37mm
- Step high:x > 5mm
- Bevel angle: α = any
Edges and joints - Layout and arrangement
- As with any other wood based material, the AMROC panel has swelling and shrinking characteristics when exposed to changes in moisture, causing movement in the joints. In principle, layouts with many joints (small panel size) will have little movement, layouts with fewer joints (larger panel size) will have larger joint movement. This movement must be accounted for in the fastening method and/or the joint. Over time, the panel will have a tendency to shrink. This characteristic must be accounted for in closed joint applications to avoid crack formation in the panel overlap region.
- The unsealed, visible expansion joint is always the technically easiest and safest solution (whenever the overall visual impression of the facade permits this). In this case, the substructure seal must be accounted for. Generally, a joint width of 5mm is technically sufficient, however, aesthetic reasons affecting the overall appearance or the use of profiles may require the use of a larger joint width.
- A closed, visible expansion joint (for right angle cutting edges) should have a width of approx. 5mm. This gap is sufficient to apply permanently elastic joint sealer compound to compensate for the panel movement. It is important in this case to ensure that the joint sealer does not bond to the substructure, and therefore does not compromise the joint sealer's elasticity.
- Beveled edges are a solution that is frequently applied in practice to accept the joint sealer. The chamfer in this case is shaped to approx. 50-70% of the panel thickness. A 5mm joint width along the lower blunt area is sufficient. The joint sealer should be permanently elastic and alkaline stable.
- Pointer:Using beveled edges for unsealed, visible joint applications can also be a visually appealing arrangement.
- Which joint sealer should I use for wet and/or dry spaces?
Single component dispersion-acrylic sealers with a 20% total deformation allowance are suitable for dry spaces. However, for wet spaces, a single components silicone or polyurethane sealer with a 25% total deformation allowance should be used for wet spaces. - If smaller areas still need to have filler applied, we recommend the use of synthetic resin dispersion filler compounds.
Pointer: The respective manufacturer's guidelines should generally be observe.
Blunt edge
Closed expansion joint
Separate tongue
Tongue & Groove (>=18mm)
Tapered edge
Step joint (>=12mm)
Baveled edge
Metal tongue*
Trim strips*
Omega mounting strip*
* These fastening methods should only be used for decorative applications